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Update default user password

With a fresh install of Ubuntu we need to login to the default account and update the password.

ssh ubuntu@<ip-address>
Current password: ubuntu
New password: <secret-password>
Retype new password: <secret-password>

Add Ansible user

Ubuntu will force exit your ssh session, so you will need to log back in with the password set above. Following add the ansible user.

ssh ubuntu@ubuntu
sudo adduser --quiet --shell /bin/bash -ingroup sudo ansible

Generate private/public key

If we don't have a generated private/public key, lets go ahead and generate them.

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ansible 

Copy private key to the node

Lets copy the public key so Ansible can login without a password.

ssh-copy-id -f -i ~/.ssh/ ansible@<ip-address>

Add node to our host file

If you installed Ansible with Brew host can be added to /usr/local/etc/ansible/hosts. But to keep everything in the repository we can add nodes to the./inventory/cluster-1/host.ini` file.

ansible_host can be set to hostname or IP address if you have assigned static IP address for your nodes.

node-1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/ansible ansible_user=ansible hostname=node-1

node-2 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/ansible ansible_user=ansible hostname=node-2


Config Users

Final step in this stage is to configure the node users. Run the 00-users playbook. This playbook will:

  1. Allow ansible user to execute sudo without password
  2. Remove ansible account password login
  3. Disable default ubuntu password
  4. Create and configure a default user

Since we haven't configure Ansible to allow sudo without password, we are prompted for Ansible user password and the default user password.

The default user is set in `./inventory/cluster-1/group_vars/all.yml

ansible-playbook 00-users.yml -i inventory/cluster-1/hosts.ini --ask-become-pass
BECOME pass: <ansible-password>
Enter default user password: <secret_password>

Finish off by copying public key to the node server

ssh-copy-id -f -i ~/.ssh/ <default_user>@<ip-address>