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Microk8s Install

Install Microk8s by running the "02-microk8s.yml" playbook.

ansible-playbook 02-microk8s.yml -i inventory/cluster-1/hosts.ini

The playbook will:

  1. Install Microk8s
  2. Add ansible user to the microk8s group
  3. Alias kubectl and helm
  4. Copy the .kube/config file to the local user
  5. Join all the nodes to the cluster
  6. Enable Microk8s addons

Copy Kube Config

If you have more than one machine you can copy .kube/config file for local kubectl execution with the below SSH copy command

scp -i ~/.ssh/ansible ansible@node-1:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config

Install Apps

Install kubernetes apps by running the "03-apps.yml" playbook

ansible-playbook 03-apps.yml -i inventory/cluster-1/hosts.ini

The playbook will:

  1. Ask what default database username should be. Default is "root"
  2. Ask what the password for the default username should be. Default is "password"
  3. Create a Postgres, Mongo and Redis databases with the default username and password.

Note: If there are errors creating the apps you may need to create the subfolders "subPath" on the NFS server.